Design and Architecture

The Complete Guide to Using Patterns in Interior Design

by Roy Akirov
January, 2022

If you’re just about to redecorate, you’re probably already deep in patterns, textures and colors. Patterns in interior design can change the look and feel of an entire home.

In this guide, we will talk about different types of patterns in interior design, advantages, disadvantages, purpose and inspiration.

Nowadays, modern interior design styles prioritize sleek, clean lines. In fact, we’re so used to this style now that many people no longer consider using patterns, and that’s a shame.

It’s true; using patterns in your interior design plan might feel a little daunting at first. You might wonder – “Am I doing it right?” “Is it too much?” “How do I mix and match?”

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So, let’s explore patterns in interior design together. Let’s see why we need them and how to use them effectively and aesthetically.

5 Reasons Why You Need Patterns in Interior Design

So, why not give up on the clean, sleek designs of today and adopt some patterns into your interior design project?

1. Patterns make a space visually interesting

You can make a clean-lined, sleek modern space look more exciting and mysterious while keeping its calm nature. By introducing a large patterned piece in a clean interior, you will add contrast without cluttering or interrupting that relaxed vibe.You can make a clean-lined, sleek modern space look more exciting and mysterious while keeping its calm nature. By introducing a large patterned piece in a clean interior, you will add contrast without cluttering or interrupting that relaxed vibe.

2. Patterns in interior design provide direction

Patterns guide the eye towards a focal point in the room. They bring dimension and direction to your design concept.

3. Patterns bring energy

What do we mean by energy? Think about a pattern covering a whole wall in a white, sleek interior. The design motifs bring a sense of rhythm and vibration to the stillness of the white background.

4. Patterns can bring everything together

You can unify an entire interior design concept with patterns, from the floor to the walls. That Moroccan-themed motif on your living room cushions can be replicated on your tiled floor. Or your kitchen floor tile patterns can include shades of your dominant color scheme.

5. Patterns let you break the rules

And by this, we mean coordinated contrast, of course. A pattern in a darker or lighter shade than your dominant color, makes a dramatic discrepancy. It could be a dramatic bedspread in the middle of the room. Or maybe a few throw cushions on a carefully-placed rug.

Now, you’ve got plenty of reasons for using patterns in interior design. But, what types of patterns can you use?

Types of Patterns in Interior Design

Geometric patterns in interior design refer to man-made shapes. Think circles, ovals, squares and triangles. Most of us have seen this style incorporated in interiors, such as with geometric pattern wallpapers. Geometric-patterned tiles are also great for halls or bathrooms. They bring a sense of order and calm to your interiors.

Patterns consisting of vertical lines are great for creating height in a room. They draw one’s eye upwards. Vertical designs are also very elegant, perfect for home offices or stylish dining rooms.

A horizontal pattern is your go-to pattern when you want to create the illusion of space. Horizontal patterns in interior design are notorious for making rooms seem wider. They are also great for diverting attention towards a specific focal point in the room.

Floral patterns can be romantic, classy or modern. It depends. Even the simplest floral pattern will add color and luminosity to a room. In general, when you choose floral motifs, you need to make sure they do not overpower your space. Lots of floral wallpapers and fabrics can do that. Balance is key with floral patterns in interior design.

floral patterns in interior design

Although it might not be for everyone, animal print is still a home décor interior design that makes a big impact. It stands out against neutral backgrounds. If you’re up for it, it also adds some drama and glamor to the room.

patterns in interior design

The rules of mixing patterns in interior design

There are no rules

Different textures, shapes, colors and sizes can all work together. Everybody loves a little bit of contrast. You can combine light and dark shades of the same color or blend complex patterns together. Happy mismatching!

Let the patterns breathe

Make sure each pattern style gets enough of the limelight. Perhaps you’ve chosen patterned bathroom floor tiles. Stunning! But don’t add any other overpowering floral wallpaper to the same room. They won’t have space to “breathe.”

Start with one color, then expand

You could represent the dominant color with a rug, a wall pattern or furniture. Use that predominant color as a baseline to play around with. Different tones in your pattern choices will bring the space (and patterns) harmoniously together.

Keep the expansion simple

keep the expansion simple

Use whatever colors you love, just not too many. Use the furniture and windows as breathing spaces, and prevent one color from taking over the room. Play with different shades of the same color, but not too many, as you don’t want them to compete for attention. It can become exhausting.

Different sizes are OK for patterns in interior design

It’s perfectly fine to mix sizes. The large patterns will represent the primary choice. You can incorporate some smaller elements to complement the large patterns.

Seek balance in everything

Mixing and not matching is not great. So, be careful and don’t use too many patterns. They will overwhelm the room and obscure the design concept. Use solid colors to break up lines and shapes. Ensure patterns flow throughout the room and are not cordoned off into just one section.

Incorporate patterned tiles into your interiors

If you want to enliven your space, then patterned tiles are the way to go. We’ve got a contemporary and eclectic selection of styles ourselves. You will find different textures, patterns and colors – Rhodium Floors collection.

More Inspiration for Patterns in Interior Design

  1. Try an outdoor statement wall for your garden, small balcony or courtyard. You can use patterned tiles, and you’ve got plenty to choose from.
  2. The WOW Welcome – Entryways and foyers can create a stunning first impression of your home. Make them pop with colors and a patterned tiled floor
  3. Go the porcelain way – If you’re in for a contemporary, cottage or eclectic interior design, porcelain is the way to go. It can get classy; it can get quirky, it’s magical

You might also like: How to design an eclectic living room

A little excitement never hurt nobody, right? So, get excited about it! We hope you’ll come to love and appreciate patterns in interior design to their real value. If you have any questions, please get in touch. We’d love to talk about how to make your dream design a reality!

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